Fiscal Impact Assessments. Whereas a financial feasiblity study evaluates the potential returns of a real estate project from the perspective of the developer, a fiscal impact analysis considers the financial impacts that the project will have on the municipal jurisdiction where it is located. TNDG's fiscal impact reports provide annualized projections of all major municipal revenues which will be generated by a proposed project (e.g., sales taxes, property taxes, franchise fees, etc.) as well as the costs of providing public services to the development (including police protection, fire protection, infrastructure, and non-city services such as schools).
In addition to completing fiscal impact assessments for individual projects, TNDG also develops customized fiscal impact analysis software for ongoing use by the firm's municipal clients. These software models provide the city or county with an in-house tool to evaluate the impacts of project proposals using a consistent, defensible methodology.
Market Impact Studies and Cost/Benefit Analyses. TNDG has completed a number of studies which determined the extent to which a proposed retail project would have a competitive impact on the existing retail stores within its trade area. These analyses utilize TNDG's proprietary retail demand forecasting model to project the dollar volume of additional retail sales that could be accommodated within a market area without diverting sales from existing stores. In cases where negative impacts (i.e., sales diversions) are projected, the model allows for quantification of the dollar losses to existing stores.
TNDG has also completed a variety of cost/benefit assessments for proposed development and infrastructure projects. These studies quantify a range of benefits including employment and income creation, and often involve the use of 'multiplier' ratios to determine the indirect or spin-off benefits of the proposed project.
Sociocultural and Socioeconomic Impact Analyses. Economic development activities can have both positive and negative impacts to affected communities. TNDG carefully evaluates prospective impacts on local employment, business, housing, social services, and service delivery to residents of communities undergoing significant changes as a result of commercial, industrial, and other major projects. TNDG utilizes a combination of intensive community focus groups, community-wide surveys, critical analysis of employment and demographic data to highlight potential impacts to communities and their residents.