• In incremental approach facilitates the continuous updating of the strategic plan, maintaining currency with rapidly changing global to local economic disruptions and other evolving conditions.
  • An incremental approach helps to institutionalize engagement of stakeholders over the long term, which can help stakeholders, particularly those who function as economic development partners, stay up-to-date, maintain their sense of accountability for previous commitments to action items, and sustain an appropriate level of focus on the interrelationship of economic development to other issues.
  • An incremental approach can help stakeholders absorb unfoldment of the strategic plan over a timeframe more compatible with their other ongoing duties.
  • Numerous online platforms for stakeholder engagement can expedite multiple processes critical to the strategic plan development. For example, allowing flexibility in the timing of participation by both the overall stakeholder group and any individual, and expediting continuous monitoring and updating of the action plan.
  • Budget commitments can be spread over a longer period of time and even be part of an ongoing annual appropriation.

    TNDG welcomes the opportunity to explore this concept with interested parties.

    TNDG can provide a customized design and/or implementation plan to accomplish this objective.